What Do Honesty, Integrity, and Trust Mean in Leadership?


I spend part of almost every day coaching leaders through feedback they have received from a 360 degree feedback survey. I’ve found it heartening that consistently the area of greatest concern to these leaders is Integrity and Trust. If the scores are high, the leader typically expresses how pleased or satisfied they are with the scores. Conversely, if the scores are even slightly below the norm, the leader is often so unnerved that he or she can hardly see anything else in the report.

Webinar: How to Earn Trust to be a Better Leader

Test for meaning

Think of a leader you know who exemplifies integrity, honesty, and trust. What specific behaviors cause you to experience this leader as upright, honest and trustworthy? I’ve posed this question to scores of leaders and have found the responses as varied as the leaders themselves. Here are some examples of what I’ve heard.

  1. Honesty may be seen as transparency and openness- your willingness to communicate what you’re thinking or feeling, even when it is uncomfortable or unpopular. Honesty may be seen as a willingness to listen and discuss issues before the data is completely thought through, when available alternatives are not fully crystallized, and when decisions are not yet final. It may also be seen as keeping your word, following through on promises, and delivering on time.
  2. Integrity is often equated with courage- courage to speak up when your point of view is at odds with a manager’s perspective or with a commonly held belief about how things should be done. Integrity may also be interpreted as work ethic- in early, staying late to get the right things done for the company.
  3. Trust may be based on a feeling that you have the other person’s back when he or she is not in the room. It may be the confidence you will advocate the other person’s point of view with clarity and understanding. Or, trust may be gained as you’re seen to act in the best interest of the team or organization rather than acting primarily to advance your personal agenda.

Download: Sample 360-degree Feedback Survey

Do What it Takes

While most everyone is adamant that their leaders ought to demonstrate integrity, honesty and trust, they do not define or understand those terms consistently. The differences in perception make it critical for you to find out more specifically what your managers, colleagues, direct reports, and other key stakeholders are looking for when it comes to honesty, integrity, and trust.

It may not be enough for you to simply tell the truth when challenged or to turn in accurate expense reports. To be known for your integrity, honesty, and trust, you may need to demonstrate more personal courage; you may need to create an environment that is more open and transparent; or, you may need to build a stronger sense of teamwork and cooperation.

The critical next step is to ask around. When it comes to honesty, integrity, and trust, what do the people in your organization expect from you?

360 Degree Feedback Survey Download

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