Helping Managers Understand and Address Stress

Manager stressing their employee out.

About a year ago I received one of my favorite perks. It was peak season for us – my workload was heavy, and support was limited. This meant late nights in the office with the stress that so commonly follows.   

As my supervisor and I were talking about what could be done to address my stress, I brought up exercise. I hadn’t been going to the gym regularly for the past few months. Most nights, by the time I left the office, I was too tired to complete a fulfilling workout, and I’ve never been a 5 AM workout warrior (and don’t want the massive caffeine addiction it takes to become one). So, I asked my supervisor if I could take off late afternoons, get in a workout, and return later to finish my work. That was a little culturally unusual for our team, but he agreed without hesitation.

Within days of switching to a more flexible schedule, my stress levels decreased significantly despite no change to workload and even later nights. It cost my company nothing, only awareness and an open-minded supervisor. 

Survey Data About Stress

What Survey Data Tells Us About Stress in Your Organization

Many organizations struggle to help their employees manage stress. Our research has found that an individual’s level of stress in their job is one of the top five most frequently reported areas that needs attention from executive teams. Our firm, DecisionWise, has amassed more than 50 million employee survey responses from more than 70 countries throughout the world. Each year, we consistently find that perceptions of stress and workload generally rank within the lowest  10 employee survey items for most organizations. 

Surprising? Probably not, when you consider for many, your job may actually be “killing you.” According to Jeffrey Peffer, PhD of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, some workplace conditions may contribute to premature death. The impact of these stressors may actually be “as harmful as secondhand smoke,” according to Pfeffer’s research.

Our DecisionWise survey findings seem to support the fact that workplace stress is out of hand, particularly given the current economic and health concerns inherent in the pandemic situation we are facing today. Even prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, only 65% of Employee Experience survey respondents provided favorable ratings to the statement, “The level of stress in my job is manageable.” This closely aligns with responses to “The amount of work I am expected to do is reasonable,” which scores 67%.  For context, a typical engagement survey’s overall score is 73% favorable.

Stressed Leaders

Why Do Leaders Struggle to Help Their Teams Manage Stress?

The challenge for most leaders is that stress is subjective – it varies greatly across  roles,  cultures,  and personality types.  Many of the factors that contribute to an employee’s stress levels fall out outside of an organization’s influence. But there are several things a manager can do to help minimize employees’ stress levels.

My aim is to help you understand the science behind stress, and arm you with tactics for addressing it in your teams. To accomplish  this,  I’ve selected four  stress theories  from the disciplines of physiology and psychology. I  have  also  included specific recommendations related to each  theory.

Four Theories to Help You Evaluate Stress

1. Homeostatic/Medical: Stress is a physiological response to  ensure  safety.

The term “fight-or-flight” was originally coined by Walter B. Cannon as a way of describing the body’s natural response to environmental demands that threaten our safety and homeostasis.  Stress is a natural response that helps us quickly address or avoid  a  threat  so that our health and safety remain secure i.  These threats can be physical, such as safety hazards or a dangerous work facility. They could also be psychological threats, such as harassment, fear of retribution, or discrimination. Each of these can trigger the fight-or-flight response in the workplace.

Tips for Managers

  • Ensure worker  physical safety through adherence to safety policies.
  • Be mindful of potential psychological safety issues. Address harassment and discrimination  issues  quickly and thoroughly.
  • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion by ensuring employees on your team feel respected, valued,  heard,  and  feel they have equal  opportunities for growth regardless of their age, ethnicity, or gender.


Worker safety, discrimination, and diversity are topics that extend beyond the scope of this  article. If you’d like to  deepen your understanding of  diversity, equity, and inclusion,  here’s a  well-researched  article to get you started:  Are Your Diversity and Inclusion Efforts Only Skin Deep? 

2. Cognitive Appraisal:  Stress is a result of our perceptions.

Introduced by  Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman in the 1980s, this  theory  emphasizes people’s perceptions of stressors.  How we perceive stressors  can alter the amount of stress we feel. This means that stress can be  managed  by either  addressing  the stressor or the emotions and perceptions of the stressorii.  What’s stressful to some may not be stressful to others.  A few items that impact the degree of stress we feel include:

a) Personality: 
Different  personality  types might perceive certain tasks  to be  more stressful than  others.   For example, employees with high preferences for introversion may find  tasks  such  as client interactions to be more stressful   than employees with extroverted preferences.  Employees  with low  levels  of neuroticism  are less likely to experience stress  compared to others.  Neuroticism and extroversion are two personality traits assessed by the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (or NEO PI-R).

b) Culture
Culture  significantly  impacts  employees’  perceptions  of stress.   One study found that American employees are more likely to experience stress from a lack of job control and team coordination.  In comparison,  Chinese employees  are  more likely to experience stress from job evaluations and  work mistakesiii. Either way, an employee’s cultural background has a clear impact on stress.

Tips for Managers

First, listen to your team. Try to understand their stressors.

  • Identify the major causes of stress for your employees, whether as a group or individually.
  • Identify when (time of the month, quarter, or year) stress will be worst. Consider such factors as “peak season.”
  • Write your ideas down and review them in your next team meeting.  Ask for further insights.
  • Talk to  your  Learning and  Development or HR  department if you would like to  obtain a  deeper understanding of the personality profiles of your team.

Second, address the problem.

  • How can you adjust tasks across your team to minimize  stress?
  • How can you share the load with other teams in the organization?  Are there ways to address processes that will improve efficiency and therefore decrease workload and stress?  If  so, implement them,  or talk to your manager about getting the appropriate approval needed for changes.
  • For predictable periods of increased workload, investigate  staffing and outsourcing options.  Can you bring on seasonal  interns, work with a temp agency, or outsource entire projects?

Third, address emotion.

  • You may not be able to control the cyclical nature of the demands on your team, but you can lift spirits  by grabbing  pizza  for dinner  (on the company’s dime)  to occasionally make the burden of staying late lighter. Not only does it provide a much-needed meal and break, the gesture also says, “hey, we get it, and want you to know we are right there with you.”
  • If  circumstances allow, arrange for flexible schedules,  or let employees work from home  occasionally  during periods of extreme workload.  This doesn’t address the quantity of their work, but  extra autonomy may help them  feel more relaxed.
  • When  things are slow, invite  employees  to go home early.  If they feel measured by how long  they’re tied to their  chairs, they’ll hold you accountable for violating that social contract when  they’re forced to  put in extra hours.


Be emotionally intelligent in your approach. Don’t prolong employees’ stay at the office through “stress-relieving activities.” Avoid  creating  the perception that the team is getting  pizza in exchange for an extra 10 hours of work this week (unless your workers are all teenage boys, who might just consider the deal a “win.”)   Instead, tie this treat to the gratitude you feel toward your team.

3. Person-Environment Fit: Stress  is a  result  of  unclear expectations or poor  job-role  fit.

Psychologist  Robert  L.  Kahn’s ideas of stress focused on  the importance of  roles and expectations.   When  people’s skills and abilities match what’s expected of them, stress is minimized. Ambiguous  expectations or expectations that conflict with  people’s  skills and abilities  in  social roles  lead to stressiv.

Tips for Managers

  • Work with HR or  recruiters  to make sure that job listings for your team are accurate and represent the skills needed on your team. Clearly describe which skills can be developed  on the job, and which  aptitudes are prerequisite  to  success  on your team.  Better yet, instead of letting HR try and find the talent you need, become an active participant and lead the charge.
  • Clearly define job roles and expectations.  Provide stories and examples of exemplary performance when possible.
  • Recognize employees for successful performance in key areas.
  • Schedule regular time to train employees who are lacking  skills in key areas.
  • Consider what skills your team members have that aren’t being used in their job roles.  Are there other opportunities for them to use those skills, e.g. on cross-functional teams or committees?
  • Consider the clarity of expectations where performance issues exist.  If expectations are unclear, redefine them. Avoid holding employees accountable to unclear expectations.
  • Before extending invitations for new roles, do your best to set  employees  up for success by helping them  understand  the inherent challenges that come along with the role.

4. Psychoanalytical: Stress is a result of a gap between who we are and who we want to be.

The psychologist Harry Levinson applied concepts of Freudian psychology to  stress, and believed that stress is the result from misalignment between our ego-ideal (who we’d like to be) and our self-image (who we believe we are now)v. Our careers are instrumental in helping us progress toward our ideal self.  If employees struggle to see how their job connects to their aspirations and long-term goals, they will likely feel stressed and disengaged.

Tips for Managers

  • Know your employees on a personal level:  their values, interests, and who they aspire to be.
  • Help employees connect the dots between  their work and what they aspire to be.   If their current job role doesn’t clearly align with their future aspirations, show them how it  will  help them achieve  success  later in life.  For example,  their current job might  fund  an education  that will allow them to pursue  their true  passion  after  graduation.
  • Help employees understand the vision, goals, and values of the organization. Show them how their work helps accomplish that vision.
  • Highlight the progress you’ve seen  employees  make.  This might not be apparent to them.
Stress during a crisis

Stress During a Crisis

During the time of this writing, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted economies worldwide.  Economy-altering crises such as pandemics, stock market crashes, or political unrest can create uncertainty, threaten employees’ sense of job security, and lead to high levels of stress. Work and money are the most mentioned sources of stress for Americans.  According to the 2019 Stress in America report by the American Psychological Association:

When asked about their personal stressors, around six in ten adults identify work (64%) and money (60%) as significant sources of stress, making them the most commonly mentioned personal stressors. Adults citing the economy as a significant source of stress declined slightly from 2018 (48%) to 2019 (46%), though the proportions in both years represent a large decrease from the highest level reported, when nearly seven in ten adults (69%) identified the economy as a significant stressor in 2008vi.

Note that stress levels were 23 points higher  following the financial crisis of 2008  than during the economic boom of 2019.   Here are a few tips on how to mitigate stress as much as possible  amid  a crisis.

Tips for Managers

  • Keep your employees informed.  This is one case where the adage “no news is good news” couldn’t be more wrong.  In the absence of information, employees will spin their own stories.  Control the story by proactively sharing pertinent details with employees regarding the steps that are being taken to ensure job security.
  • If your organization is  helping  the world through the crisis  in any way, emphasize and share that message with your team.  Employees will hopefully see themselves as part of the solution to  the crisis rather than a victim of it.
  • Listen to your team. Find out what is going on behind-the-scenes, which you may not be aware of. Ask them how they’re doing.  The chance to share your own concerns may help them.  Help them understand that you are here to support them.

As mentioned previously, stress is a common factor inherent in most organizations, regardless of size or industry.  If this is an issue for you, you’re not alone.   However, you as  a manager hold the power to shape the experience of your employees.  

iCannon, W. B. (1932) The Wisdom of the Body. Norton.

iiLazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984) Stress, Appraisal, and Coping. Springer Pub. Co.

iiiLiu, C., Spector, P.E. and Shi, L. (2007), Cross‐national job stress: a quantitative and qualitative study. J. Organiz. Behav., 28, 209-239.

ivKahn, R. L., Wolfe, D. M., Quinn, R. P., Snoek, J. D., & Rosenthal, R. A. (1964). Organizational stress: Studies in role conflict and ambiguity. John Wiley & Sons.

vLevinson, H. (1978). A Psychoanalytic View of Occupational Stress. Occupational Mental Health, 2, 2-13.

viAmerican Psychological Association (2019). Stress in America: Stress and Current Events. Stress in America™ Survey.

Podcast: Manage Your Organization’s Stress Better

In this episode, we’re joined by a panel of DecisionWise consultants who discuss how to best manage the stress level of your organization.

We’ll cover topics like working through stress at your company and learning to identify stress triggers, as well as answering questions like:

  • How is the problem of stress manifesting and affecting engagement?
  • Are companies getting better at managing stress?
  • How do we coach clients on stress?

This week’s episode was hosted by Cecily Jorgensen. Our panel of consultants includes Charles Rogel, Dan Hoopes, Beth Wilkins, Stephen Mickelson, and Thomas Olsen.

Manage Your Organization’s Stress Better

Manage Your Organization's Stress Better

Would you like to help manage your organization’s stress better? The feeling’s mutual. This desire ranks quite highly among our own clients. After employee engagement surveys close, we send our clients a satisfaction survey where they tell us what “materials” they are interested in. For the past year, stress has stubbornly held its place at number 4 on our report. With this in mind, we gathered our consultants to discuss why companies still struggle with stress, how it shows up in the workplace, and how to work through this persistent issue.

Are Companies Getting Better at Managing Stress?

Beth Wilkins

Beth Wilkins


As we look at our data from 2015 to 2018, we only have 65% favorability on, “The level of stress in my job is manageable.” This problem persists across our clients. Companies try to get as much from their employees as possible because that’s profitable for them. But this starts to create a transactional relationship. Employees start to feel a little bit of a grudge and become less engaged in their work. And so, we talk about engagement as wanting to give discretionary effort. When you’re in a state where your work is appreciated, and your feelings are considered, you freely invest more of yourself.

How is the Problem of Stress Manifesting and Affecting Engagement?

Dan Hoopes

Dan Hoopes


For healthcare organizations that I work with, if patient care is suffering, they can often link it back to stress and workload. In healthcare, you don’t want to have negative patient interactions. Their life can’t depend on the fact that an employee might be having a bad day.

Charles Rogel

Charles Rogel


Stress starts to affect growth, a driver of employee engagement. 

  • Employees ditch training or shy away from projects that might expand their capabilities
  • Opportunities dissolve
  • Creativity suffers, and people stop trying to innovate
  • People may be afraid to speak up or lack proper channels to voice concerns

Employees ultimately become frustrated and disengage.

Learn to Identify Stress Triggers

1. Stress from Growing Pains

Stephen Mickelson

Stephen Mickelson


While an organization’s growth is wonderful, it can pose some challenges. Managers may struggle with a couple of things:

  1. Leading growing teams with inexperienced employees
  2. Training employees at the pace of growth

Employees may be excited about the growth of the organization. However, they gain new responsibilities and heavier workloads. You must manage these changes or their excitement will fade to burnout.

2. Stress Caused by Misalignment

Dan Hoopes

Dan Hoopes


If I go back to the engagement model, I can easily see how stress affects “impact.” If you aren’t having the impact that you want, it may be because you’re overwhelmed and pulled in too many different directions. To get back on track, ask yourself these questions:

  • What am I responsible for achieving?
  • Is there misalignment around my priorities and where I’m spending my time?
  • What am I not going to do?
  • What tasks can I delegate? 

Listen as Dan talks about a time where the expectations of his manager created stress for him.

3. Stress over the State of the Company

Thomas Olsen

Thomas Olsen


There’s the stress in your everyday job and with your manager, but there’s also the stress of, “How are we doing as an organization?” Look at how senior leaders communicate and how they convey the company strategy. This may affect how employees feel about the company and where the company is going.

How to Work through Stress at Your Company

1. Figure out if the Stress is Temporary and Which Departments are in Danger

Charles Rogel

Charles Rogel


When we look at scores about stress with clients, we’ll try to understand if it is just temporary. Is it because your company is in a high growth mode? Are you trying to get a shipment out for an important customer? Sometimes a low score on stress doesn’t surprise leaders. Still, they show concern if it shows up for certain departments. Maybe your engineering department scores low around stress. It could lead to missed deadlines and deliverables and impact their engagement and likelihood to stay with your organization.

2. Identify Key Influencers before They Burn Out

Beth Wilkins

Beth Wilkins


Your key influencers are often under more stress than others in the organization. If you looked at a social network map, you find that people internally and externally go to them for information or advice. If you lose those people, it takes a big toll on the whole organization. Productivity and communication suffer.

And so, we need to identify who in particular is experiencing high levels of stress. One of the ways we do that at DecisionWise is through org network analysis. We can then coach key influencers to delegate more effectively, prioritize, and negotiate deadlines. This coaching helps them manage their stress and avoid burnout.

3. Work on Stress Solutions with Your Manager

Stephen Mickelson

Stephen Mickelson


Everybody needs to learn how to manage their own stress. Have a conversation with your manager and work through solutions together. My own manager and I recently discussed my heavy workload. I proposed that I go burn some stress at the gym mid-day. Although it’s a bit unusual for our work culture, he decided that was a good option. I come back after my session refreshed and ready to complete the day’s work. I’ve heard it said that people don’t get burned out because of what they do. They get burnt out because of why they do it. Keep an eye on workload scores in your survey results and get ready to act if they start to sink. Analyze those scores with the meaning items on the survey. You have a problem if workload scores and meaning scores drop at the same time. Meaning and purpose often soften stress for employees, even if their workload is heavy.

Dan Hoopes

Dan Hoopes


I remember when I was asked to be on a merger and acquisition team, specifically due diligence within the HR realm. I didn’t even really know what due diligence was. Errors and recalculations happened and there was so much stress in my life that it made me physically ill. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. But when I started to look forward with a growth mindset, I was able to appreciate an intense learning experience. That light at the end of the tunnel tied with a dramatic growth experience became a defining experience in my career. Leaders need to do a better job of helping employees see an endpoint and valuable purpose to the stress.

Thomas Olsen

Thomas Olsen


Listen as Thomas tells us about his time as a manager and how he helped ease the stress of employees.

The Balance of Stress and Burnout

Charles Rogel

Charles Rogel


One of the questions we use in our employee engagement surveys is: “The level of stress in my job is manageable.” Some people think, “I might have a high workload, but I’m able to manage my stress and my workload appropriately.” Others don’t feel as empowered to manage random projects thrown at them. 

Let’s consider the two types of stress. One is the bad stress that we typically associate with high blood pressure and anxiety. The other is eustress, which is good stress that you feel when you’re trying to accomplish something or grow. We don’t want to see this survey item score too highly, because people won’t feel challenged enough. But if that item scores too low, stress can lead to burnout, and that’s an employee engagement killer.

Beth Wilkins

Beth Wilkins


In regards to purpose, is your company vision compelling enough for employees to get behind? People sacrifice an incredible amount and dismiss stress when they care more about accomplishing a certain goal. I experienced this when I was working at Oracle and doing a PHD. I had this goal of designing a transformational executive program, and I was working with the University of Michigan and their key thought leaders on positive organizational change. And even though it was really hard, I was so interested in what I was doing, it didn’t seem like as big of a burden. I still felt tired, but I loved what I was doing and what it accomplished.

How do You Coach Clients on Stress?

Charles Rogel

Charles Rogel


Listen as Charles shares how department leaders added to their employee’s stress.

Beth Wilkins

Beth Wilkins


I tell clients to train managers on how to have an open dialogue around stress. Help them figure out how to give employees more meaningful work and accommodations during tough periods. Organizations should define their expectations and employees should tell the employer if they can’t meet all of the requirements. Middle managers should advocate for their teams and push back on upper-management when necessary. They can also help upper-management re-frame their expectations. 

I also recommend making time for fun! Even in a stressful time, you can take a little time to have fun with your colleagues: show each other funny videos, or have lunch together. When you have relationships with people, you are more resilient. You also build trust, which results in more support from others in tough times.

Dan Hoopes

Dan Hoopes


When I’m working with clients, I ask them three questions.

  1. Are you okay with your scores? (It’s important to calibrate how they’re feeling.)
  2. What internal resources and support mechanisms do you have to help individuals with high-stress jobs?
  3. How can you make their stress more manageable with these resources?

We know that if we’re on this uphill trajectory we will need resources to help employees stay engaged.

Stephen Mickelson

Stephen Mickelson


It is important to consider the job types at your organization. For example, if you’re a restaurant chain, you have various positions with different turnover rates. You may have a passionate kitchen staff excitedly pursuing their culinary career. On the other hand, you may have wait staff trying to earn money for the next step in their life. As a manager, you have to help those people connect the dots between their long-term plans and their current role. Help them find that meaning in the moment and how it contributes to their growth.