3 Management Styles that Kill the Employee Experience

Good Employe Experience

3 Management Styles that Kill the Employee Experience
The war for talent is fierce. Employers cannot underestimate the effect a negative Employee Experience (EX) has on attracting, retaining, and engaging their workforce. Employers are now realizing that they need to create a place where employees not only need to work but want to work.
Managers are key contributors to EX. More than ever, managers are balancing the need to get results from employees and achieve company goals, while creating an engaging work experience for employees.

Read the Book: The Employee Experience

But when team performance falls below expectations, the best intentions to motivate can sometimes jeopardize success. This creates a negative effect on organizational health and the employee experience. Here are three examples of common management styles that can backfire when trying to motivate employees. Good Employe Experience

The Overly-Optimistic Manager

Optimism is a strong factor that generally increases motivation and creates a positive EX. But sometimes hard tasks are just that—hard. The difficulty employees face in tackling challenging tasks needs to be acknowledged, and not simply minimized or pacified with a weak pep talk. When a team struggles, managers need to lead by introducing helpful ideas and strategies. But then, as leadership educator and author Liz Wiseman advised, “Remember to hand the pen back.” It’s beneficial for a manager to help employees get back on track, but then remember to place the responsibility back on the team to find the solution.

The Pacesetter Manager

Some managers try to set the pace for their teams by being an example in areas of quality, innovation, customer service, or even amount of work delivered—and there may be nothing wrong with that. By modeling the high standard, they hope the team will follow their example and meet the pace. But Wiseman observes that sometimes the result is the exact opposite of the desired effect: “It creates spectators instead of followers.” Instead, “take time to recognize the unique gifts and talents of individuals who participate on your team,” recommends executive coach, Sara Canaday. Understand that team members can make the best contributions at their own pace.

The Endless-Idea Manager

In an effort to achieve more, these managers generate a mountain of new ideas that “need to be implemented immediately.” These managers think this approach inspires their team with new and exciting work opportunities. Instead, employees are often overwhelmed by the barrage of ideas and varying agendas. Wiseman warns that too many ideas can torpedo an organization. Collective creativity shuts down, and efforts to chase after the volume of ideas and strategies places workers right back where they started. No progress. No development. No skill-building.
A manager’s role is constantly paired with expectations. The secret to meeting goals lies in a manager’s ability to utilize the talents residing in the staff. Nurture those skills by avoiding blind optimism, creating a healthy pace, and encouraging creativity from staff.
Get the book, The Employee Experience

Podcast: Transition Into Management – Part 2


This episode covers how to build a peer network within your organization and is part 2 of the “Transition Into Management” series. This podcast episode covers the importance of building an effective network of peers within your organization and the 7 Steps to Build Your Professional Peer Network to take you from super doer to super manager.

Listen to Part 1 – Episode 007 – Transition Into Management
Listen to Part 3 – Episode 012 – Transition Into Management
Download the Relationship Network Diagram
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7 Steps to Build Your Professional Peer Network


This blog is a companion piece to one of our Leadership Intelligence Podcasts, which is part of a series on making the transition into management. In the podcast episode, we describe the need to create a peer network. This blog highlights some of the key points touched upon in the podcast.

I was a shy, awkward child who was forced to take a girl to the senior prom because it would be “good for my growth and development,” at least that’s what my parents told me. So the idea of building a network of friends and associates when I became a working professional was as foreign to me as French cuisine.

In fact, it took me quite a while to see the importance of building professional networks. Yet, after observing my mentors excel at this quality, I began making it a priority in my career. My goal with this post is to expand on this idea and to suggest that one of the most important things a new manager can do is to take the time to build a strong peer network.

It goes without saying that after your promotion to manager you will be highly focused on building relationships with those you manage. Where some managers get tripped up is that they forget to forge relationships with their peers. As a new manager, you will need the support of not only your team, but also other business functions and individuals in order to be successful. Since you don’t have direct authority over your peers, you can’t simply demand help as soon as the need arises. You need to take the time to build a solid relationship with your peers so that you can ask for help and get it.

So, once the dust has settled on your promotion to manager, you need to sit down and start thinking about building your peer network. Effective networking doesn’t happen naturally. It’s a process that requires effort, as well as forethought and planning. Here are seven steps you might consider as you build your peer network.

Step 1 – Identify those with whom you already have a relationship

Make a list of these folks. Start thinking about ways you can develop a relationship with them. Also, you should be primarily focused on ways you can help and serve them. Good relationships start and end with you having a sincere desire to help the other person.

Step 2 – Identify who else needs to be in your peer network and why

Think creatively in this step and don’t forget to consider those that will be advocates, those that are needed for your team to succeed, and those that can help broaden your influence within the organization. Additionally, at this point, you should start thinking about who would be a good mentor to help you make the transition to management. But, again, don’t focus too much on what they can do for you. Think about how you can make the relationship a win-win for both parties.

Step 3 – Select a mentor

However, don’t rush out and ask someone to be your mentor. That would be creepy. Instead, ask this person to lunch, and then politely ask them for suggestions on what they found useful or effective as they first started managing others. If you find the makings of what might be a successful mentor/mentee relationship, then you can continue to cultivate the connection.

Step 4 – As time passes, don’t forget to plan for things you can do to strengthen the relationships within your peer network

Remember to follow the kindergarten rules. If someone is nice to you, don’t forget to return the favor. Be considerate. Be polite.

Step 5 – Make sure your relationships are founded on trust

Any degree of self interest will hurt, not help, the connections you are building.

Step 6 – Become an effective communicator

Take the time to read and study about how to be a better communicator. So much of your success as a leader and a manager will depend on your ability to convey concepts in a clear and concise manner, and to have those concepts understood and acted upon by others.

Step 7 – Use the relationship diagram

as a periodic self assessment to determine how you are doing with your network and to identify areas for improvement Download Relationship Diagram

While I am sure there are other steps that might be included in my list, I am confident this is a pretty good start. The precise number of steps is irrelevant; the goal is that you take a proactive approach in building your peer network. In addition, don’t forget to focus on how you can help others as opposed to how you might benefit from the association.

Finally, there is one other critical point to ponder. Don’t just build a network with those that have similar interests as yours. If you are a rabid New York Mets fan, you could probably do with some perspective from one who enjoys post-modern architecture. Seek out connections that are diverse. Make sure you are connecting with both men and women, and that you seek interactions with minorities and others who have different view points. Not only will you meet really cool people, you will find these different viewpoints and perspectives will greatly improve and enrich your professional life.

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Listen to the podcast episode “Transitioning into Management – Part 2 – Building Your Professional Peer Network”
Listen to the podcast episode “Transitioning into Management – Part 1”

Podcast: Transition Into Management – Part 1

The transition into management can sometimes be difficult for new leaders. In EP007 Leadership Intelligence Podcast – Transition Into Management Part 1, DecisionWise COO and author, Matthew Wride, talks about what it takes to make the management transition successful. Learn about the five Ps of transitioning into management, motivations for moving into management, 10 myths about taking a management role, and how to navigate the “unfreezing” and “jelling” stages during the process.

Download 360-degree feedback sample survey to help new leaders.

Listen to Transition Into Management Part 2
Listen to Transition Into Management Part 3
Listen to more podcast episodes

Podcast on iTunes 

Managers, Here is How to Keep Employees Engaged

Training Female Smiling

“Engaged managers till the soil for their direct reports, creating the same conditions that lead to the manager’s full engagement in work and workplace culture. They then encourage employees to find engagement in ways that are unique to them, based on what the manager knows about their passions, interests and needs. Disengaged managers, on the other hand, either don’t know what motivates their people, or simply don’t care. It’s about management by authority, threat and coercion,”

Read the full article, As a Manager, Here is How to Keep Employees Engaged, by Tracy Maylett, on Entreprenuer.com.

As a regular contributor to Entrepreneur.com, DecisionWise CEO, Dr. Tracy Maylett provides valuable insight into how managers can keep employees engaged. A key take-away is to invest in your managers. They will ultimately have influence over the teams that effect the organization’s bottom line. So, managers, if your team is disengaged (or engaged!), take a look in the mirror. The correlation isn’t likely due to chance.

Related article: 7 Ways to Turn Your Employees into High Performers, Entrepreneur.com, by Tracy Maylett
Employee Engagement Survey