What is the Law of Congruent Experience?

Employees of a coffee shop

Employee Experience: Law of Congruent Experience

What is the Law of Congruent Experience?

Employees will deliver a Customer Experience that matches their own experience in the organization.

Employees are the face of your brand. They’re on the front lines and in direct contact with your customers. Sure, customers are also seeing your website, marketing, and real estate, but those do not outweigh a salesperson who goes out of her way to solve a problem or a school counselor who stays late to help a student with college scholarship forms. Consumers are human, and humans intuitively respond to human interactions more than they do slogan, packaging, or discounts.

Read the Book: The Employee Experience

That’s why the Employee Experience (EX) has far more potential than the Customer Experience (CX) to move the needle for your organization, by whatever metric you choose: revenue, growth, retention, customer satisfaction scores, number of students registered, patient satisfaction, and so on. But putting Employee Experience before Customer Experience also serves as a way to prevent your organization from diving down expensive, time-consuming rabbit holes.

Think about the costs, financial and otherwise, of implementing a Customer Experience management program where employees’ hearts and minds aren’t fully engaged. Some organizations spend a fortune on elaborate customer service safety nets designed to keep employees from damaging the customer relationship. Why? Because their employees don’t care. They’re having a lousy experience, so they’re not motivated to provide anything more than that to the customer. We call this the Law of Congruent Experience.
Get the book, The Employee Experience