Managers, Here is How to Keep Employees Engaged

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“Engaged managers till the soil for their direct reports, creating the same conditions that lead to the manager’s full engagement in work and workplace culture. They then encourage employees to find engagement in ways that are unique to them, based on what the manager knows about their passions, interests and needs. Disengaged managers, on the other hand, either don’t know what motivates their people, or simply don’t care. It’s about management by authority, threat and coercion,”

Read the full article, As a Manager, Here is How to Keep Employees Engaged, by Tracy Maylett, on

As a regular contributor to, DecisionWise CEO, Dr. Tracy Maylett provides valuable insight into how managers can keep employees engaged. A key take-away is to invest in your managers. They will ultimately have influence over the teams that effect the organization’s bottom line. So, managers, if your team is disengaged (or engaged!), take a look in the mirror. The correlation isn’t likely due to chance.

Related article: 7 Ways to Turn Your Employees into High Performers,, by Tracy Maylett
Employee Engagement Survey