5 Personal Employee Engagement Wins: INFOGRAPHIC

Employee Satisfaction

Employee engagement is a two-way street. It’s a 50-50 proposition. It’s the organization’s responsibility to provide a working environment where employees want to engage, but employees need to choose to be engaged. So what’s in it for employees you ask? Here are Five Personal Employee Engagement Wins that employees receive by being engaged.

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Americans Crave More Meaning at Work

Manual workers working at a factory

The Philips Work/Life Survey examined key factors of Americans’ job happiness, with a particular focus on their ability to bring personal interests to their workplace career as a way to create more job satisfaction, achieve greater shared success with their employers, and improve overall well-being.
Meaning is one of the five essential elements of employee engagement. What surprises me most about Philip’s survey results is the apparent willingness by participants to actually take a pay deduction in exchange for a more meaningful job. Do you agree with the findings? Are you like one of the 43% who said they would be willing to take a pay decrease of 25% or more in exchange for greater meaning? Enjoy the infographic below (source: Philips), then share your thoughts with us in the comments. Is meaning at work really more important than a bigger paycheck?

Related White Paper: ENGAGEMENT MAGIC®: The Five Keys of Employee Engagement
Related Webinar: ENGAGEMENT MAGIC® – The Five Elements of Employee Engagement