Organizational Network Analysis

Identify and Engage Your Hidden Influencers

Your organization is full of hidden influencers: those that guide and leader others without having formal, positional authority. ONA will help you find your hidden influencers so that you can support them, learn what they are doing well, and keep them from becoming burned out and leaving your organization.

ONA Outcomes

  • Create sustainable change
  • Break-down silos
  • Increase innovation
  • Reduce overloaded employees
  • Improve communication

Questions ONA Can Help You Answer

Through our research, three main categories of informal influencers have emerged:


These are people employees admire and naturally go to when they need advice on how to do their work or move forward in their careers. They greatly affect others’ morale and provide guidance on how to succeed in the organization.


These are those that employees and customers seek out when they need information. Newer employees apprentice under these more knowledgeable colleagues, and leaders and peers go directly to them when they need quick answers or assistance on key initiatives.


These are individuals who have the charisma, political savvy, or optimism to get things done in the organization. Often this group is the most visibly influential; however, there are some who quietly exert their influence by working through more prominent peers or formal leaders.

Sample Questions


  • Who do you rely on for information or problem solving to do your work?


  • Aside from your manager, whom do you go to for career related advice at least once a week?
  • Whose opinion most influences your decisions?

CHANGE AGENTS (a.k.a. brokers and energizers)

  • Who could best sell an innovative idea or product to key stakeholders?
  • Who gets you excited about new ideas?