Onboarding Surveys

Help assure that your new employees are getting up to speed and bringing their best selves to their work.

We know that first impressions are critical.  Onboarding data gives organizations a treasure chest of insights they can use to tailor and improve their employee experiences.  We look to see if employees are gaining both the skills and training they need to succeed in addition to monitoring whether employees are engaging emotionally with the organization and their team.

On-boarding Process

The steps or stages that new employees are expected to experience during their onboarding experiences. Survey items should be answerable with a “yes” or “no.”

Our survey gives 3 options:

  • Yes (formally)
  • Yes (informally)
  • No

These questions are meant to test if the client’s onboarding process is being followed.

On-Boarding Outcomes

  • Survey items in the outcome section are meant to measure whether the onboarding process has been effective
  • An effective onboarding process will ensure two things:
    • Employees know how to do their jobs (enablement)
    • Employees want to do their jobs (engagement)
  • Outcome questions mirror in some cases questions from our engagement survey

4 Questions Onboarding Surveys Should Answer

1.Is your onboarding process being consistently observed?

2.Is onboarding enabling employees to do their jobs?

3.Is onboarding helping employees to engage?

4.Do you have the right onboarding process?