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Team Survey

Assess the effectiveness of your team.

How Does Your Team Engage?


Teams form the foundation of nearly every workplace interaction and process within an organization, as well as outside the walls of the office: families, communities, charitable organizations, athletics, school, government… the list goes on.

Based on the ENGAGEMENT MAGIC® model and over two decades of research, this assessment provides a comprehensive analysis of team strengths and areas for improvement. Its purpose is to enhance understanding of how a team engages in a common goal, meaning whether the team and every team member brings his or her spirit (attitude, energy, excitement), heart (love, passion), mind (intellect, curiosity, thinking, innovation), and hands (effort, action, productivity, determination) to that common objective.

The DecisionWise ENGAGEMENT MAGIC Team Assessment

The survey is designed to have each team member answer 40 questions organized into five major categories and 10 sub-categories. The survey is easily administered online and is optimized for all mobile devices. A DecisionWise survey administrator manages the process and ensures that all members participate.

The ENGAGEMENT MAGIC Team Assessment Framework


The Five Keys of ENGAGEMENT MAGIC® Teams are the building blocks of this assessment. Each of these keys can be further broken down into two elements that clarify these principles.
Meaning: Your work has purpose beyond the work itself.

  • Purpose- We understand why our team exists and how it fits into the bigger picture.
  • Vision & Goals- We all clearly see, and are aligned with, where we are going as a team and how we are going to get there.

Autonomy: The power to shape your work and environment in ways that allow you to perform at your best.

  • Trust- We have confidence in one another’s competence, reliability, and motives.
  • Empowerment- We have the authority to do what we need to do to achieve our objectives and goals.

Growth: Being stretched and challenged in ways resulting in personal and professional progress.

  • Development- We take advantage of opportunities to increase our skillsets, and encourage one another to learn, grow, and develop.
  • Adaptability & Innovation- We encourage innovation, and adapt appropriately to changes.

Impact: Seeing positive, effective, and worthwhile outcomes and results from your work.

  • Team Member Contribution- We each actively and willingly contribute appropriately for the good of the team and our objectives.
  • Team Results- We define, measure, and hold ourselves and each team member accountable for progress and quality of results.

Connection: The sense of belonging to something beyond yourself.

  • Relationships- We develop and nurture strong, productive relationships and sense of belonging with each member of the team.
  • Communication- We promote a culture of effective, open, honest, and inclusive communication.

ENGAGEMENT MAGIC Team Assessment Summary

Based on the responses provided by the team, a chart shows each ENGAGEMENT MAGIC® key and element relative to the average score of each of the other keys and elements. A greater distance between the top element in the graph and the bottom element means there is a wide range of scores in that area, which increases the gap. Shorter distances between the top and bottom element mean that scores are very similar.

How Aligned is Your Team?

The ENGAGEMENT MAGIC Team Report shows results for each sub-category and item. The chart to the left of the item scores plots the average scores of each team member.

Results vs. Perceptions

Often, perceptions of team strengths and areas for improvement are clear. It is also common to find teams that are pursuing certain areas, while their real needs are in other areas. This section shows two columns. The left-hand column represents each of the Team ENGAGEMENT MAGIC® elements ranked from highest to lowest, as indicated by the team’s assessment results. The right-hand column is a list of perceptions —areas the team felt were strengths and areas for development. It is often useful to compare the team’s perceptions to the actual results as ranked by the assessment scores. Doing so can help a team understand where to best focus efforts and leverage strengths.

Assess the effectiveness of your team today.