Many employees experience fear, anxiety, and distrust when they hear that their company is about to conduct 360 degree feedback surveys. Participants worry about what people will say about them and how the results will be used. Those providing feedback fear that they might be identified by their comments and the person will react negatively towards them.
So how do you dispel the fear of 360 degree feedback? On both the organization and individual level, proper communication should be used before conducting surveys to ease anxiety and ensure valid results. Employees should be briefed on the reasons for the 360 survey, the survey process, and how the results will be used. They should also be given the opportunity to ask questions about the 360-degree feedback process. Employees are more likely to have a positive experience with the feedback process when they know more about it.
Most importantly, giving forewarning and clear communication prior to the administration of a 360 survey lessens opportunities for miscommunication and fosters trust between the company and the employees. With a clear understanding and increased trust, employees are more likely to participate and more likely to give honest feedback. Employees that are given communication prior to the 360 degree feedback process are also more inclined to change as a result of the feedback they receive.
Related Post: 5 Reasons Why People Dread Feedback (and why we need to hear it anyway)
Related Post: Why 360 Feedback?
Related Post: Why Would I Want 360-Degree Feedback?
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UPMC administers surveys to all 80,000 employees across 20 different hospital systems, doctors’ offices, clinics, and long-term care facilities to understand the employee voice.