How do You Screen New Hires for Employee Engagement?

There is some debate about whether some employees are intrinsically more engaged in their work than others.  Obviously there are environmental factors that impact employee engagementBut how do you tell if the person you are hiring is naturally more engaged?
Here are a number of attributes that will help screen new hires for employee engagement:

  • Conscientiousness:  This refers to detail orientation, problem-solving skills, and decision making.  Ask the candidate questions which require thought and assess the level of engagement in the activity.
  • Tolerance for Ambiguity:  The most engaged employees maintain focus and energy even in situations that are unfamiliar.
  • Internal Locus of Control:  Is the power to make changes or progress in their hands or are they victims of their environment?

Also, some Red Flags:

  • Over emphasis on pay and benefits
  • Candidate has done little or no research on the job position or the company
  • Poor appearance, timeliness, and conscientiousness during interview
  • Difficulty engaging in last job (especially if last job had similar duties)

Do you hire for employee engagement?  What types of questions do you ask to predict employee engagement?  Do you believe that some employees are naturally more engaged than others?
Related Webinar: Hiring for Employee Engagement
Related Webinar: The Psychology of Employee Engagement

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