Five Keys for Engaging
People, Leaders, and Organizations

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A five-part approach to making organizations stronger, more profitable, and better places to work.

Employees and leaders intuitively know that when we find a place where we can throw our hearts, spirits, minds, and hands into our work, we are happier, healthier, and produce better results. Yet, most of us struggle to understand exactly why we engage in some environments, and don’t in others. ENGAGEMENT MAGIC introduces the five MAGIC keys of employee engagement—Meaning, Autonomy, Growth, Impact, and Connection—and shows how leaders can help employees achieve higher levels of engagement, as well as how employees can be more personally and professionally successful by taking ownership of their own MAGIC.

Written as a follow-up to the author’s award-winning first book, MAGIC, this book provides updated research, case studies, and tips that are the result of analyzing more than 30 million employee survey responses from over 70 countries. ENGAGEMENT MAGIC takes advantage of the most extensive employee experience database of its kind to combine principles of psychology and motivation with solid business concepts. ENGAGEMENT MAGIC provides actionable advice that will reduce attrition, encourage initiative, drive growth and profit, and increase personal engagement in one’s work.

Leaders and employees will find real-world case studies, exercises, assessments, thought-provoking questions, and suggestions that will increase engagement at the individual, manager, and organizational levels.

About the Author

Tracy M. Maylett, Ed.D., SPHR, SHRM-SCP, is the CEO of DecisionWise, which for over two decades has advised organizations in more than seventy countries on employee engagement, leadership, and organization development. As a consultant, coach, and business executive, Maylett has worked with leaders across the globe in leadership and the employee engagement. His work has been published in numerous academic and business publications, including the 2017 best-selling book, The Employee Experience, How to Attract Talent, Retain Top Performers, and Drive Results.

Maylett holds a doctorate in Organization Change from Pepperdine University and an MBA from Brigham Young University, where he also teaches in BYU’s Marriott School of Business.


“Meaning, Autonomy, Growth, Impact, and Connection—five keys that can change both organizations and lives.”
Marshall Goldsmith, executive coach, business educator and New York Times bestselling author, ranked the number one leadership thinker in the world by Thinkers50

“Most of us intuitively appreciate the power of engagement for personal and organizational success. ENGAGEMENT MAGIC does an exceptional job of turning appreciation into action. The formula captures the essence of engagement; the stories illustrate its use; and the questions and tools lead to sustainable actions. This book on engagement is both engaging and useful.”
Dave Ulrich, international thought-leader in human resources, Rensis Likert Professor of Business at University of Michigan, and partner with the RBL Group

“The importance of creating and nurturing an engaging employee experience cannot be overemphasized for sustainable achievement, and it’s also our responsibility to choose to be engaged. This book outlines five keys that we have embraced successfully at ATD to drive engagement, both organizationally and individually.”
Tony Bingham, CEO of the Association for Talent Development

“When leaders bring their hearts, spirits, minds, and hands to their work, they become powerful forces in leading successful teams. ENGAGEMENT MAGIC masterfully shows how each of us can work our own bit of ‘magic’ in engaging people.”
Greg Peaslee, Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer for UPMC

The Employee Experience Book Cover

Also available from Tracy Maylett:

The Employee Experience:
How to Attract Talent, Retain Top Performers, and Drive Results