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Employee Value
Proposition Survey

Download your sample survey and understand how to
better attract, retain, and engage your workforce.

What is an Employee Value Proposition Survey?

Your Employee Value Proposition is the collection of benefits an employee receives from an organization in exchange for the employee’s work.

The DecisionWise Employee Value Proposition survey is a customized tool that measures the importance of tangible and intangible benefits offered by the company to its employees. The survey is developed with information gathered through focus groups conducted by a senior consultant with employees in your organization.

Engaged Team Working on Laptop
Benefits of 360 degree feedback

How Can an Employee Value Proposition Survey Help Your Organization?

The Employee Value Proposition survey addresses four key questions:

  1. What does it take to ATTRACT the right people?
  2. What does it take to RETAIN these people?
  3. What does it take to MOTIVATE and ENGAGE your people?
  4. What is your COMPANY’S BRAND?
iPad Employee Value Proposition Survey

Employee Value Proposition Includes:

• Demographic profile of your workforce
• Formal benefits
• Company culture, vision, mission, values
• Employee engagement

Based on the results from an employee value proposition survey, organizations can predict what different groups of employees want to remain with the company and engage in their work.

Results from an Employee Value Proposition Survey

An employee value proposition survey is used to create a segmentation report that shows profiles of different employee types based on demographics, interests, and career goals.

Employee Value Proposition Report Page
Download your Sample