Employee Net Promoter Score

Measuring how willing employees are to recommend their workplace to friends and acquaintances.

Along with annual anchor surveys, eNPS is the other core continuous listening tool we recommend for any well-built continuous employee experience listening program.  When used correctly, eNPS data will provide immediate insights to leaders, alerting them to potential problems faster than other employee experience  metrics.

Why Measure eNPS?

  • Actionable data on regular intervals
  • Managers and leaders readily understand eNPS
  • Trends can be spotted quickly

What is eNPS?

eNPS is short for Employee Net Promoter Score and is a method for measuring how willing are employees to recommend their workplace to friends and acquaintances. Simply put, eNPS is the employee version of the common Net Promoter Score® (NPS) originally developed by Fred Reichheld, Bain & Co and Satmetrix during the 1990s. NPS is built on one single question: “Would you recommend (our company) to a colleague or friend?

eNPS is structured the same way, using a similar question: “I would recommend this organization as a great place to work.”

How is eNPS Scored?

Similar to the NPS calculations, employee answers are then divided into three categories:

  • 0-6 = “Detractors”
  • 7-8 = “Passives”
  • 9-10 = “Promoters”

How Employee Net Promoter Score is calculated:

eNPS = share “Promoters”(%) – share “Detractors”(%)

eNPS scores range from -100 to 100 and look at the ratio of Promoter to Detractors. Scores above 30 are considered positive, while scores below are considered negative.

Speak with one of our experts to explore how measuring an employee net promoter score can help your organization.