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Employee Engagement
Survey Software

Experience why the Leadership Intelligence System is
the most advanced employee engagement software
& online reporting tool in the industry

Employee engagement software that shows your data at a glance.

The Leadership Intelligence System is an employee engagement survey software with a dashboard that provides a detailed, dynamic, and engaging data summary from the initial screen. See the overall score by category, highs and lows, and a word cloud from the open-ended comments. Click on any link to dive deeper into the data.

Employee Engagement Survey Company Online Reporting Tool Software
Employee Engagement Survey Online Reporting Tool Software_Dashboard

Drill down to any level in the organization.

We capture your custom organization chart in LIS. Based on their permission levels, users can access results for the company overall or any department or workgroup in the organization. By using the population filter, users can drill down to subsets within groups or compare results for two or more populations.

Complete transparency to the data-collection process.

Track your employee survey response rates on a day-to-day basis. Filter participation results by location, tenure, or any other demographic. See which locations have low participation in real-time and target efforts to increase response rates while the survey is still running.
Employee Engagement Survey Online Reporting Tool Software_Participation
Employee Engagement Survey Online Reporting Tool Software_Details

Sort, apply filters, choose graph types, export your view.

See a detailed, sortable ranking of scores across all survey questions or by groups of questions. Questions can be ranked according to most favorable responses, least favorable responses, and other criteria. Change the graph type to see average score, favorable scores, or a range of scores. Export the data to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.

Compare to the DecisionWise benchmark, by industry, or past scores.

Benchmarking provides comparisons of your organization’s results to a DecisionWise database of over 14 million responses. Comparisons can also be made by industry, the Top 10 percent of all organizations, or job function. Past survey results for a number of years can also be juxtaposed with current data. Legacy data can be accumulated in the system from year to year, or loaded from a previous survey that was administered by a previous provider.
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Employee Engagement Survey Online Reporting Tool Software_Rankings

Quickly see your highest and lowest performing departments.

Drill down to sub-departments and apply filters for dimensions or locations to identify your organization’s biggest areas of improvement.

See the gaps between groups.

Easily see the greatest gaps in scores between any demographic category (e.g., tenure, gender, age, etc.).
Employee Engagement Survey Online Reporting Tool Software_Demographics
Employee Engagement Survey Online Reporting Tool Software_Engagement Index 1

Understand the overall level of engagement in your organization or on a specific team.

You’ll see what is driving employee engagement for your most engaged employees and what is inhibiting your disengaged employees. The compare tab lets you see which departments have the most engaged employees. Sort by various engagement levels and compare engagement scores by any demographic category.

Use the text analytic tool to explore the most mentioned comments.

Your employees are communicating, but are you listening? Read responses to open-ended survey questions and filter responses with the DecisionWise text analytic tool or search bar to understand what your employees think are your company’s biggest strengths and greatest areas of opportunity.
Employee Engagement Survey Online Reporting Tool Software_Comments
Employee Engagement Survey Online Reporting Tool Software_iPad Dashboard

Create and save any customized view of your data.

Your dedicated DecisionWise assessment advisor can create custom reports and views that can be saved and assigned to specific people in the organization. Just ask.