Process overview

The following items describe the various services and steps we take to ensure your employee engagement survey process is successful. Download the Brochure

Onsite consultation pre-survey meeting

The onsite consultation meeting prepares your organization’s management team for an effective and positive employee survey process. A DecisionWise senior consultant and project manager will meet with the client to brief the senior leadership team, work with the HR team on rolling out the process, and conduct focus groups with employees. Alternatively, the pre-survey meeting can occur via conference call.

Focus groups

DecisionWise can conduct focus groups to understand the needs of the executive team, HR, and different groups of employees. A senior DecisionWise consultant moderates these one-hour meetings to identify the most important issues and drivers of engagement for each employee group. The results from the focus groups are compiled into a summary report which is used to design the survey. Because employee needs and demographic needs may vary, we may recommend using different versions of the survey for separate employee populations.

Survey customization

A customized survey is the foundation to a successful employee engagement survey process. The survey must be tailored to the current needs of the organization and use relevant questions that collect actionable feedback from employees. Employees need to feel that the questions address issues that are important to them and will drive organization performance. DecisionWise customizes each employee survey to achieve this purpose. To create the survey, the client works directly with a DecisionWise expert in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology and survey design. The consultant will develop an employee survey to accurately measure employee engagement in the organization. This survey will include tested and validated items to collect actionable feedback that can be used to make organization improvements. A draft survey will be created and then reviewed with the client. Any additional changes will be incorporated into a final version that will be set up online.

Survey translation

DecisionWise has translated surveys into over 30 languages and worked in over 70 countries. We work with a third-party translation company to translate the text. The translated versions are then sent to the client’s local (in-country) HR representative for final review before being set up in the system.

Survey communications

It is important to remember that employees are being asked for extremely valuable information through an employee engagement survey. Employees need to feel confident that their responses will be kept anonymous and that their information will be used to make improvements. The goal is to make sure that all employees feel comfortable providing the most candid feedback on the survey. To accomplish this goal, DecisionWise has created a series of sample communication templates to describe the process, confidentiality measures, and expected outcomes. A DecisionWise project manager will work with the client to customize all communications sent to employees. DecisionWise provides templates for the following communication items:
  • Memo from the CEO announcing the survey
  • Memo from the HR Department explaining the process
  • Email from DecisionWise with instructions and a link to the online survey
  • Reminder emails from DecisionWise to encourage participation

Survey administration

We work with each organization to develop the most effective roll-out process for the survey. We help our clients develop strategies and incentives to encourage high participation. A dedicated DecisionWise project manager makes the process easy and ensures that the feedback is collected in the most efficient and professional manner.
  • Email Survey Administration DecisionWise can match demographic information provided by the client (i.e. tenure and gender) to individual responses based on email address. This eliminates the need to ask demographic questions on the survey and provides more accurate reporting. In order to maintain confidentiality, results are only reported for groups that have five or more responses. The client provides the employee list to DecisionWise, and the project manager loads the information into the survey system. Each employee will receive an email from DecisionWise containing a unique link to the online survey. Users will be able to take the survey only once. DecisionWise tracks participation and sends reminders to increase participation. An online real-time participation report is provided to the client to monitor progress.
  • Paper Survey Administration Those employees without an email account or online access will be provided a paper survey. DecisionWise can discretely code the paper surveys by individual employee, manager, or department to ensure accurate reporting. The project manager will assist the client to implement the best process to distribute and collect the surveys to achieve a high participation rate. We recommend that paper surveys be administered to groups of employees at a time. One employee is designated as proctor to collect the completed forms, put them in a FedEx box, and send them DecisionWise. Paper surveys are processed using Scantron bubble-sheet forms for accuracy.


The Leadership Intelligence System Online Reporting Tool allows the HR team and leaders to access interactive survey results. Features include:
  • Drill down to different levels in the organization based on pre-determined permissions
  • Interactive reporting
  • Trending comparisons on multiple years of results
  • Benchmarking comparisons by best-in-class, industry, job function, etc.
  • Internal norming comparisons to the organization overall and/or various departments and locations
  • Employee Engagement Index results with driver analysis
  • Robust filtering capabilities to look at any population of data
  • Comment word cloud with searchable and sortable text
  • Drill-down reporting to any grouping in the organization
  • Export of results in Excel format
  • Sorting of results by manager scores (workgroup scores)
  • Custom report creation based on multiple selection criteria

Comment categorization

Open-ended comments provide a wealth of qualitative information and provide detail on the reasons behind the scores. DecisionWise will categorize and interpret this data in order to provide meaningful insights into the results. A DecisionWise project management team will read through all of the survey comments, analyze the information, and categorize the responses by theme. Categories will be defined with input by the client. DecisionWise will report the frequency of each type.

Employee Engagement Profile Report

The Employee Engagement Profile is an in-depth analysis and interpretation of survey results tied to key business metrics. This report is a summary of the results derived from a comprehensive statistical analysis. Based on the analysis, we also provide recommendations for improvement. The results are normally presented to the senior leadership team by a DecisionWise consultant and project manager. The Employee Engagement Profile provides information critical for leaders to turn the employee feedback into action.

Executive presentation and action planning session

A senior DecisionWise consultant will present the employee engagement survey results to the executive team and conduct an action planning meeting. The consultant identifies the major themes, key insights, and benchmarking comparison information from the survey and provides recommendations for improvement.

HR Training

A DecisionWise consultant and project manager will meet with HR leaders to review all of the reports and develop a plan to rollout the results to the organization. HR leaders will learn about engagement, how to interpret the results, and their role in conducting action planning meetings with managers. The focus of this training is to create subject matter expertise around engagement, to define the company strategy for report roll-out, and to clarify HR’s role in supporting the change process.

You work with an expert survey team

DecisionWise assigns a minimum of three teams to work with each client. These teams include a consulting team, a project management team, and account manager.
  • Consulting Team The consultants lead the project, provide advice on best practices, deliver coaching and training, and consult with internal leaders on key decisions.
  • Assessment Team The assessment team administers the surveys, generates the reports, and acts as the main contact for support. This team coordinates the survey customization, setup, administration, reporting, and deliverables with the client. Additional assessment advisors are assigned to each client as needed to support the process.
  • Account Manager The account manager provides pricing, proposals, and contract support to ensure that services meet and exceed client expectations.

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