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Employee Engagement Survey

• Research-based Survey Questions
• Engagement Specific Questions
• Most Important Open-ended Questions

Employee Engagement Surveys Questions

DecisionWise has been improving employee engagement levels in organizations around the world since 1996. Our employee engagement consultants will assist you in creating a custom employee engagement survey. We recommend you use our six specific employee engagement questions, which measure the levels of employee engagement, along with customized questions to identify your drivers of engagement. Examples of these employee engagement questions include:

• It is easy to become absorbed in my job.
• I would recommend Sample Company as a great place to work.
• My job is stimulating and energizing.

Measuring tape
Employee Engagement Index

Employee Engagement Index

The DecisionWise Employee Engagement Index is calculated from the employee responses to the engagement anchor questions. Each employee will be categorized into one of the four groups from the Fully Engaged category to Fully Disengaged. Using the DecisionWise online reporting tool, you can segment your employees into smaller groups to better understand employee engagement levels throughout your organization.

The customized employee engagement questions on the employee engagement survey are further analyzed to determine positive and negative perceptions and the core drivers of employee engagement.

5 Keys of Employee Engagement

Based on our extensive research using millions of employee engagement survey responses, we have found that there are five keys that drive employee engagement. We refer to these as the five ENGAGEMENT MAGIC® keys, MeaningAutonomyGrowthImpact, and Connection that drive employee engagement in an organization. We use one employee engagement survey question as a direct measure and three supporting questions to measure each of the five ENGAGEMENT MAGIC® keys. This allows organizations to determine which of the five keys is driving or inhibiting employee engagement and understand how to take action to improve.

Meaning: Do employees find meaning and purpose in their jobs?
Does their work make a difference for others?

Autonomy:Do employees have freedom, self-governance, and an ability to make choices about their work?

Growth: Does the job provide development and growth opportunities.
Does the work challenge and stretch employees to grow and improve?

Impact: Do employees feel like they are successful in their work?
Do they see that their effort makes a difference and contributes to the
success of the organization?

Connection: Do employees have a personal connection with the people they work with, their boss, and the social community of the workplace?

Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions

Remember, employees need to have their basic needs met or engagement will suffer. Many of the survey items measure concepts that impact employee satisfaction. Some of these items include:

• I have received the training I need to do my job well.
• I have the tools and resources I need to do my job well.
• My supervisor treats people with fairness and respect.
• My supervisor gives me regular feedback on how I am doing.
• We work effectively across departments and functions.
• This organization communicates well with all employees about what is going on.

We find some interesting correlates when looking at employee satisfaction survey questions. For example, a low score on the item “I have the tools and resources I need to do my job well,” is often identified as a negative driver of employee engagement.

Open-ended Employee Engagement Survey Questions

Open-ended comments provide a wealth of qualitative information and provide detail on the reasons behind employee engagement survey scores. We recommend using two simple open-ended employee engagement survey questions:
• What are the greatest strengths of our organization?
• What are the areas that need the most improvement in our organization?
Our research shows that using more than two open-ended employee engagement survey questions significantly lengthens the time it takes to complete the survey and doesn’t yield that much more good qualitative information.

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