Advanced Analytics

Measure the deeper metrics of your business with tools such as Employee Net Promoter Score and Organization Network Analysis.

Employee Net Promoter Score

Along with annual anchor surveys, eNPS is the other core continuous listening tool we recommend for any well-built continuous employee experience listening program.  When used correctly, eNPS data will provide immediate insights to leaders, alerting them to potential problems faster than other employee experience  metrics.

Driver Analysis

Your gut is often wrong.  Driver analysis uses a variety of statistical analyses to help leaders make data-driven decisions.

Text Analytics

Our powerful text analytics software uses text mining and sentiment analysis to extract real insights from unstructured data across various channels. This allows you to identify issues and take action to reduce customer churn and grow sales.

Organization Network Analysis

Your organization is full of hidden influencers: those that guide and leader others without having formal, positional authority. ONA will help you find your hidden influencers so that you can support them, learn what they are doing well, and keep them from becoming burned out and leaving your organization.

Speak with one of our experts to explore the best solutions for your organization.