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360 Degree Feedback Surveys and Customized Questions

Measure the most important leadership competencies and identify those behaviors that undermine a leader’s effectiveness.

More than 1000 companies in 70 countries and 30 languages use DecisionWise

The Leadership Intelligence 360-degree Feedback Survey for business leaders measures 13 leadership competencies and 13 leadership derailers to provide a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s leadership abilities. The following sample only shows a limited number of the 68 total items found in the complete survey.

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DecisionWise 360-degree feedback surveys measure a series of research-based leadership competencies and behaviors. These competencies have been developed based on over 20 years of experience working with leaders and organizations around the world. Each competency includes about four behavior descriptors, observable by the participant’s boss, peers, and direct reports to show comparisons between the groups.

1. Business Acumen
2. Decision Making
3. Planning & Organization
4. Integrity & Trust
5. Innovation & Creativity
6. Results Orientation
7. Customer Focus

8. Managing Change
9. Communication
10. Teamwork & Collaboration
11. Leading Others
12. Performance Management
13. Employee Engagement

Why partner with DecisionWise

For nearly two decades DecisionWise has specialized in conducting 360 feedback surveys and coaching participants on the results. Our proprietary survey system (Leadership Intelligence System or “LIS”) and assessments provide unmatched quality in delivering survey solutions.

Professional Psychometric Survey Design

Our validated question database has been carefully reviewed for validity, reliability, and real-world practicality.

Increased Validity

In the minds of employees, in-house surveys come with a huge question: “Is this really anonymous?” Outsourcing the survey process increases confidentiality.

More Control

We know what will provide you with the greatest results, and we know how to get it. We even provide an online portal through which our clients can access more detailed information.

Advanced Technology

Outsourcing the survey process ensures that the technology used is the latest available, rather than worrying about costly upgrades, technical difficulties, and installing survey software.

Project Management

Our Assessment Advisors alleviate this burden tracking participants, follow-up with raters, organizing reports, and even responding to associated emails and phone calls all take time.

Low Overall Costs

Outsourcing the survey project means no up-front technology investment, greatly reduced internal administration costs, and significantly improved survey process efficiency.

360-degree Feedback Process Overview

Our assessment team is made up of experts in industrial/organizational psychology, as well as business results. We understand what to measure and how to measure it. We conduct and publish extensive research on 360 feedback, and our 360 feedback research is widely cited and recognized. Using this expertise as a foundation, our assessment team works with you to select the right multi-rater survey, or to design your survey and process based on the needs of your organization.

About DecisionWise

We are an internationally recognized employee engagement, working with client organizations in over 70 countries and 30 languages since 1996. We work with organizations who are conducting an employee survey for the first time and companies that have been measuring employee engagement for many years. Our focus is on helping you build engaged employees from the valuable feedback you receive.

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