Webinar: Understanding the Employee Experience – Before, During, and After COVID-19

Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Time: 1:00 pm Eastern / 10:00 pm Pacific

Presenters:  Dr. Tracy Maylett, CEO, DecisionWise; Jason Ward, Executive Vice President, Azul Airlines; Tracey Keffer, VP of Human Resources, Oregon Community Credit Union; Dan Hoopes, VP of Global Effectiveness, Nu Skin

Cost: Complimentary, with free registration

Join us for this special webinar, “Understanding the Employee Experience: Before, During, and After COVID-19.”

Our guest panel of experts will discuss:

  • Why employee engagement has increased, during the COVID-19 pandemic—what companies are finally getting right
  • What COVID-19 has taught us about how companies should re-examine the Employee Experience
  • The central role of the manager in Employee Engagement
  • The impact of Work-From-Home on the future of employee engagement, and how we need to adjust for it

This Webinar qualifies for SHRM and HRCI credit.  

Video: Employee Engagement Goes to the Movies – Episode 1: Joe Vs. The Volcano

DecisionWise Consultants Spencer Taylor and Kenna Bryan examine the 1990 film “Joe Vs. The Volcano” starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

In the opening scenes, we watch as employees file in to start their day in a terrible work environment. It’s dark, dirty, depressing, and management is openly hostile toward their employees. We find this movie filled with examples of what not to do when you consider the employees experience, and we give some recommendations on how to do things better.

Learn more about building employee engagement at your organization.

Infographic: The 3 Lenses of the Employee Experience

Download the PDF of “The 3 Lenses of The Employee Experience”

Lenses are the different perspectives on an organization’s Employee Experience that managers and leaders adopt and consider consciously. Lenses allow leaders to view the Employee Experience from multiple points of view––to put on various hats and understand the beliefs and expectations of their employees through whatever frame is most helpful to the organization’s success. The most effective leaders are those who can (and are willing to) go beyond their limited perspectives and see the Employee Experience with new eyes.

To learn more on this topic, download the white paper,“The Manager’s Guide to Winning with the Employee Experience”

Podcast: The Company Culture at Shake Shack

In this episode, Matthew Wride and Christian Nielson discuss the many ways that Danny Meyer has established a winning company culture at Shake Shack, as well as his many other restaurants in the Union Square Hospitality group.

“Business, like life, is all about how you make people feel. It’s that simple and that hard.” – Danny Myer

Podcast: Don’t Step on the Daisy – Employee Engagement Lessons from “Joe Vs. The Volcano”

In this episode of the Engaging People Podcast, we’re starting a new segment called “Employee Engagement Goes to the Movies,” where we consult the silver screen for powerful lessons on what to do and what not to do to create the right employee experience.

This week, we examine the 1990 film “Joe Vs. The Volcano” starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. In this movie, Joe (played by Hanks) works a horrible, dehumanizing job and after being told he is dying of a rare disease, quits his job and accepts an offer to travel to the South Pacific to throw himself into a live volcano. The movie follows his journey as he meets people along the way who help shape his destiny.

One of the power principles we took from the film is the concept: “don’t step on the daisy.” In the opening scenes, we watch as employees file in to start their day in a terrible work environment. It’s dark, dirty, depressing, and management is openly hostile toward their employees. In this setting, one of the workers mindlessly steps on a single remaining daisy, representing the crushed hopes and dreams of the people who work there.

We find this movie filled with examples of what not to do when you consider the employees experience, and we give some recommendations on how to do things better.

This episode features DecisionWise consultants Spencer Taylor, Kenna Bryan and Charles Rogel.